Intellectual Disability Health Education

Current project


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Purpose: The e-Learning resource was launched on 22 July 2013. The site is an interactive education resource for everyone with an interest in intellectual disability mental health. More information about our e-learning and how you can use it can be found at

Once you are ready to begin your learning, there will be links on that will take you to register for our e-learning, which is housed on our provider’s platform at the link, Once logged in on Go1, the home page will provide you with three categories of courses to choose from. Under the ‘Health Professionals’ section, there are courses developed specifically for health and mental health practitioners. Under ‘Disability Professionals, there are courses for paid disability service providers. Under ‘Carers’, there are courses designed specifically for carers of people with intellectual disability. The site is also useful for students and other professionals who want to learn more about intellectual disability and mental health.


Health Professionals

There are currently 14 e-Learning courses available for health and mental health professionals, with the full list available here.

For all NSW Health staff, the courses can also be accessed for free through My Health Learning on HETI.


Disability Professionals

Following a consultation with professionals working in the disability sector, the e-Learning resource expanded in 2016 to include courses tailored to the different roles disability workers provide. There are currently 20 courses available and a full list of the courses can be found here.



Launched in 2017, the collection of courses aims to support carers to be able to recognise changes to the person’s wellbeing. There are currently 2 courses available, with a full list available here.

A Wellbeing Record is also available for carers, to assist in recording any changes to a person’s usual wellbeing. The resource can be used in meeting with health professionals to help them understand what wellbeing looks like for the person and understand any changes.


How the site was developed: This site is the result of a collaboration between the Department of Developmental Disability Neuropsychiatry, the NSW Department of Family and Community Services (Ageing, Disability and Home Care), and the NSW Ministry of Health. As the idea for the site developed, many others became involved too.

The idea for this resource grew out of a series of local workshops run by 3DN. Many mental health staff attended the workshops, and many more were unable to attend. The resources required to run these workshops meant that a more sustainable format was called for. So, the idea was born to create an online version of the workshops, making the material accessible across Australia, to anyone at any time.

The content of the site was developed by a team of medical, mental and allied health professionals. The team has clinical, administrative and research experience and represents the health, welfare and disability sectors. People with intellectual disability also had a role in developing content for the site, as you will see when you progress through the courses.


Further Information

Intellectual Disability Mental Health e-Learning website


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Full course catalogue


We offer training packages tailored to the needs of your organisation. Training packages can be prepared and delivered to health professionals, disability professionals and consumer or carer organisations as face-to-face workshops/seminars, online webinars and/or e-learning modules. We can create bespoke training on:

  • Mental health in people with intellectual or developmental disability
  • Behaviours of concern – introduction, assessment and management
  • Responsible prescribing of medication to people with intellectual disability
  • Positive Behaviour Support – basic principles and approaches

Please email us at with a brief proposal to start a conversation about bespoke training. We would be pleased to discuss timeframes and costs with you.

For additional information, please see our Intellectual Disability Health Education website.


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