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People with intellectual disability are at increased likelihood of experiencing mental illness but are less likely to receive treatment than people without intellectual disability. In many cases disability professionals play a significant role in providing support and are instrumental in helping to overcome the barriers people with intellectual disability face, and in assisting access to mental health supports.

In 2016 The Department of Developmental Disability Neuropsychiatry (3DN) launched a new e-Learning resource for disability professionals in intellectual disability mental health. The e-Learning is designed to equip professionals in the disability sector with the confidence, skills and knowledge needed to respond to the mental health needs of people with intellectual disability.

The e-learning was developed following a consultation with various professionals across the disability sector about the roles disability professionals do and their specific learning needs. The resource will help to develop necessary skills such as detecting symptoms of mental illness, knowing where to seek support, and how to assist with assessments and treatment.

There are currently 21 courses available for disability professionals. The courses include:

Disability professionals

The e-learning can be accessed at idhealtheducation.mygo1.com. After registering for an account, select “Disability Professionals” on the home page to enrol in the available courses.

More information about the Intellectual Disability Mental Health e-Learning project can be found on the project page.