Disability Professionals

Key resources


Intellectual Disability Mental Health Connect

Find the mental health information and resources you need on our IDMH Connect website.

Intellectual Disability Mental Health e-Learning

We have a range of e-Learning modules on our site www.idhealtheducation.edu.au, including downloadable information sheets.

The e-Learning modules are designed to equip professionals in the disability sector with the confidence, skills and knowledge needed to respond to the mental health needs of people with intellectual disability. They have been specifically developed for the role disability professionals do and provide information on practical ways to provide support.

More about our e-Learning for disability professionals.

Palliative care toolkits and resources

Practical toolkits and supporting resources for improving palliative care for people with intellectual disability.

Includes resources for people with intellectual disability and their supporters. Some resources are in Easy Read.

All resources are built on a tailored model of care developed by 3DN and are free to download.

See all toolkits and resources.

Bespoke training

We also offer training packages tailored to the needs of your organisation. Training packages can be prepared and delivered to disability professionals as face-to-face workshops/seminars, online webinars and/or e-learning modules. We can create bespoke training on:

  • Mental health in people with intellectual or developmental disability
  • Behaviours of concern – introduction, assessment and management
  • Responsible prescribing of medication to people with intellectual disability
  • Positive Behaviour Support – basic principles and approaches

Please email us at idhealtheducation@unsw.edu.au with a brief proposal to start a conversation about bespoke training. We would be pleased to discuss timeframes and costs with you.

For additional information, please see our Intellectual Disability Health Education website.

Other resources


Information on Intellectual Disability Mental Health

A number of downloadable information sheets have been created to be used as a reference tool. They are designed to support learning from the e-Learning modules allowing learners to revisit key points and share information with colleagues. 

The information sheets can be accessed here

Services for people with dementia who have self-harmed

3DN has conducted a study to investigate health service needs for people with a history of self-harm who have dementia.

Find out more

2018 National Roundtable Communiqué

The Communiqué articulates practical recommendations for eight key elements of an effective mental health care system to enable participants to influence their sphere for improvement of mental health supports and outcomes for people with intellectual disability.

Read the Communiqué

Research to Action Day

In July 2017, 3DN hosted a Research to Action Day at UNSW Sydney for professionals and carers with an interest in intellectual disability. The event involved an interactive workshop that showcased 3DN’s resources and how they could be implemented. 

You can find out more about the event in the Research to Action Day program.