About these resources

We have made resources (also called information sheets) for people with intellectual disability and their supporters about palliative care

Supporters are people that help with care or daily life. This might be friends, family or unpaid and paid carers, for example disability workers.  

Palliative care is help for people who have a serious health condition that they will die from.

Palliative care helps people to live well.

Palliative care helps people manage their symptoms like pain or feeling sick.

We also made a resource for health workers. 

All resources for people with intellectual disability can be downloaded in Plain English and Easy Read.  

Why the resources were made

The resources aim to make palliative care better for people with intellectual disability. 

Making palliative care better is important because people with intellectual disability often find it hard to get good palliative care.

We made and tested these resources with:

  • People with intellectual disability 
  • Supporters of people with intellectual disability 
  • Health workers

Preparing for palliative care

Preparing means to get ready for something. 

The information sheet below is for people with intellectual disability and their supporters

This information sheet is about: 

  • What palliative care can help with
  • Where palliative care might happen 
  • Who might be involved

It also includes a planning sheet to complete and share with health workers if wanted.

A planning sheet is a document with empty boxes the person can write or draw in to help them plan.

Download Preparing for palliative care in Plain English

Download Preparing for palliative care in Easy Read

Palliative care services

The template below must be given to the health workers to complete with information about local palliative care services and support.

The link can also be shared with health workers to download, go to www.3dn.unsw.edu.au/improving-palliative-care-resources#services

Download Palliative care services in Plain English

Download Palliative care services in Easy Read

Working together with my team

A planning sheet to fill out with supporters to help the different people that assist a person in palliative care work together.

Download Working together with my team in Plain English

Download Working together with my team in Easy Read

Working with the person with intellectual disability and their team

(For health workers)

Short guidance document to support all palliative care health workers to work collaboratively with people with intellectual disability, their supporters and other health workers.

Download document for health workers

These resources were made as part of a research project on Improving palliative care for people with intellectual disability. To find the project homepage with more information, go to www.3dn.unsw.edu.au/projects/improving-palliative-care-services-people-intellectual-disability