National conference on intellectual disability health

Please join us for the first ever annual conference of the National Centre of Excellence in Intellectual Disability Health.

| 18 Jul 2024

The first annual conference for the National Centre of Excellence in Intellectual Disability Health will be in August.

The conference is free and online. We have made easy to read information about the conference.

Find out more and register

About the conference

The conference is over 2 days.

  • Day 1: Wednesday 21 August, 10:30am to 3:15pm
  • Day 2: Thursday 22 August, 10:30am to 3:00pm

The times shown are Australian Eastern Standard Time. Your local time may be different. 

What is the conference about?

At the conference we will provide information about what the Centre is working on and share important information about intellectual disability health.

Who should attend?

The conference is for anyone involved in the health care of people with intellectual disability. This includes:

  • People with intellectual disability, including First Nations people with intellectual disability
  • Supporters, friends, and family members of people with intellectual disability
  • Disability professionals and advocates
  • Health and allied health professionals
  • Academics and researchers


Interested in joining us? You need to register to attend.

The conference will be held on Microsoft Teams. Links to the recordings will be sent to attendees after the conference.

Tell others

Please let others know about the conference by sharing the conference page on your social feeds, or by sharing using the social buttons on this page.

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