Download the Toolkit (17MB)

What the Toolkit is

The Toolkit is about palliative care.

A Toolkit is a document with information that helps people to do something.

Palliative care is help for people who have a serious health condition that they will die from.

Palliative care helps people to live well.

Palliative care helps people manage their symptoms like pain or feeling sick.

Why the Toolkit was made

This Toolkit was made to support people with intellectual disability to get good palliative care.

Making palliative care better is important because people with intellectual disability often find it hard to get good palliative care.

What is in the Toolkit

There is different information shared in the Toolkit.

The information could be things like information sheets, planning sheets or videos.

Some of these are in Easy Read.

How to use the Toolkit

This Toolkit is in two parts.

Part 1 is for people with intellectual disability. Part 2 is for supporters.

You can download the full toolkit (17MB), or download each part separately.

Download Part 1 for people with intellectual disability (5MB)


Download Part 2 for supporters of people with intellectual disability (11MB)

Supporters are people that help with care or daily life.  

This might be friends, family or unpaid and paid carers, for example disability workers.   

Easy Read story  

There is also an Easy Read story about a made-up person called Joe getting good palliative care.  

To find the Easy Read story go to 

Palliative care resources

We made resources in Plain English and Easy Read about palliative care for people with intellectual disability and supporters.  

To find the resources about palliative care go to 

This toolkit was made as part of a research project led by 3DN, UNSW Sydney.  

We made this toolkit and all other documents with a group of people that included:  

  • people with intellectual disability  
  • supporters of people with intellectual disability 
  • health and disability workers.  

To find the project homepage with more information, go to