3DN, with support from the NSW Ministry of Health, have developed a series of new easy read resources providing information about accessing and navigating mental health services available within NSW.
A recent study at 3DN, UNSW Sydney with support from the Dementia Australia Research Foundation looked at the health needs and service use of people living with less common types of dementia in NSW.
3DN is making a website. It will help people with intellectual disability find information about mental health services. We want to work with a group of people with intellectual disability.
Are you an autistic adult who has experienced Autistic Burnout? Researchers from UNSW and Macquarie University are investigating Autistic Burnout and need volunteers for phase 2 of our study.
A recent study at 3DN, UNSW Sydney with support from MND Research Australia looked at the health needs and service use of people with motor neurone disease (MND) in NSW.
Health and disability professionals will receive additional training to provide expert care to thousands of people in NSW living with an intellectual disability and a mental illness following the launch of a ground-breaking e-learning website toda
Professor Julian Trollor's statement to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability is now available. A PDF can be downloaded via the link below.
We call for concerted action to ensure the right to access to screening, effective prevention and necessary health care for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in relation to COVID-19.
3DN is looking for people living with motor neurone disease (MND), and family and carers, to give feedback and advice on our latest project looking at how people living with MND use health services.
3DN has published a paper to describe our big data cohort of people with an intellectual disability which is one of the largest cohorts of people with an intellectual disability internationally.
Researchers from 3DN have published an article on How Can We Provide Better Healthcare for People With An Intellectual Disability? in Frontiers for Young Minds.