Empowering future health professionals to be inclusive of people with intellectual disability

The new Intellectual Disability Health Capability Framework has information on what health students need to learn about intellectual disability.

| 15 Aug 2024

It can be hard for people with intellectual disability to get good health care.

A lot of health professionals don't have the training and experience to adjust their practice for people with intellectual disability.

A lot of health students do not learn about intellectual disability at university.

The Australian Government’s new Intellectual Disability Health Capability Framework will change this. Download Easy Read information about the Framework.

What is the Framework?

The Framework has information on what health care students need to learn about intellectual disability. It is designed for students in all health education programs – in medicine, dentistry, nursing, allied health and all health-related professions.

Universities and TAFEs can use the Framework to help them teach students how to provide the best standard of care to people with intellectual disability.

Using the Framework

We want the Framework to be integrated into teaching to ensure future health professionals develop key knowledge and skills in intellectual disability health, and have more opportunities for contact with people with intellectual disability during their education. This will produce graduates who have the skills and confidence to support the improved health and wellbeing of people with intellectual disability.

We are making resources to help people use the Framework. Our resources will help educators and students learn about intellectual disability. Educators will be able to use the resources to create lecture plans, deliver classes, and include people with lived experience in co-teaching.

If you want to find out when the resources are available, sign up to our news.

Find out more


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