Intellectual Disability Mental Health Training for Child and Youth Mental Health Services

Children and young people with intellectual disability are at significantly greater risk of having mental disorders than children without intellectual disability. It is therefore important that staff within Child and Youth Mental Health Services are adequately trained to respond to the mental health issues of children and young people with intellectual disability.

This training program is split into three levels of knowledge:

  1. Introduction to Intellectual Disability Mental Health (appropriate for all non-clinical and clinical staff)
  2. Core Concepts in Intellectual Disability Mental Health (appropriate for all clinical staff)
  3. Advanced Concepts in Intellectual Disability Mental Health (appropriate for clinical staff who want to extend their knowledge)

The first level of training (Introduction to Intellectual Disability Mental Health) was launched in December 2023. The remainder of the training program will be rolled out across 2024.

On this page you will find the available training components and more information about upcoming components.

The Introduction to Intellectual Disability Mental Health series contains four e-learning modules that are available on My Health Learning. My Health Learning is only accessible to NSW Health staff, but we are exploring opportunities to make the e-learning modules available more widely.

The four modules in this series contain recommended knowledge for all staff working in Child and Youth Mental Health Services, including administrative, clinical, education and managerial staff. Due to their introductory nature, the modules may also be suitable for staff working within other services.

The e-learning modules provide an introduction to:

  1. Intellectual Disability & Autism (course code: 504418988)
  2. Impacts of Intellectual Disability (course code: 504420156)
  3. Communication (course code: 504420601)
  4. Assessment and Management (course code: 504420971)

You can also access a Learning Pathway on My Health Learning that contains all four of the modules (code: 506233420).

Each module takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. You can complete the modules at your own pace or you can complete them with your team. Here is some guidance on how you could use the modules.

The Core Concepts in Intellectual Disability Mental Health series contains 10 training components that build upon knowledge covered in the Introduction to Intellectual Disability Mental Health series. The training resources in this series cover fundamental knowledge and skills for clinical staff working in Child and Youth Mental Health Services. The content may also be suitable for and relevant to staff working within other services.

The components of this series will be rolled out across 2024 and information about access and availability is provided below. 

If you would like to access a Learning Pathway on My Health Learning that contains all of the modules, you can find the pathway using the code 531613741. More modules will be added to the pathway as they become available.

1. Human Rights

Human Rights is covered in an e-learning module. It is available now on My Health Learning (course code: 531334814).

2. Intellectual Disability Mental Health Awareness

Intellectual Disability Mental Health Awareness is covered in an e-learning module. It is available now on My Health Learning (course code: 531337004).

3. Diverse Needs

Diverse Needs is covered in an e-learning module. It is available now on My Health Learning (course code: 531337558).

4. Communication

Communication is covered in an e-learning module. It is available now on My Health Learning (course code: 531338812).

The content in this e-learning module builds upon information covered in the introductory e-learning module on the same topic (course code: 504420601).

5. Consent and Decision-Making

Consent and Decision-Making will be covered in a video featuring a person with intellectual disability, an advocate, clinical experts and consent and decision-making experts. The video will be available on this page in July.

6. Intellectual Disability & Developmental Assessment

Intellectual Disability & Developmental Assessment was covered in a live webinar on 1st May 2024. The webinar was presented by David Dossetor (child psychiatrist), Phil Ray (neuropsychologist) and Ellen McBriarty (occupational therapist), all from the Sydney Children's Hospitals Network.

View the slide set.


7. Mental Health Assessment

Mental Health Assessment will be covered in an e-learning module. It will be available on My Health Learning in August/September. The content in this e-learning module builds upon information covered in the introductory e-learning module on Assessment and Management (course code: 504420971).

An online Q&A with a panel of experts in this space will be held in October/November. We encourage you to complete the e-learning module and then attend the online Q&A session to engage with experts and other learners. A recording of the online Q&A panel will be provided below.

8. Treatment and Management

Treatment and Management will be covered in an e-learning module. It will be available on My Health Learning in August/September. The content in this e-learning module builds upon information covered in the introductory e-learning module on Assessment and Management (course code: 504420971).

An online Q&A with a panel of experts in this space will be held in October/November. We encourage you to complete the e-learning module and then attend the online Q&A session to engage with experts and other learners. A recording of the online Q&A panel will be provided below.

9. Behaviours of Concern

Behaviours of Concern will be covered in a live webinar on 22nd July 2024 at 11am. The webinar will be hosted by Tahli Hind (Lived Experience Researcher). The presenters include Julian Trollor (neuropsychiatrist) from the National Centre of Excellence in Intellectual Disability Health at UNSW and Anita Gardner (psychologist) from the Sydney Children's Hospitals Network.

Register for the webinar. A recording will be available on this page after the webinar.

10. Services and Collaboration

Services and Collaboration will be covered in an e-learning module. It will be available on My Health Learning in August/September.

An online Q&A with a panel of experts in this space will be held in October/November. We encourage you to complete the e-learning module and then attend the online Q&A session to engage with experts and other learners. A recording of the online Q&A panel will be provided below.

About this training

With funding from NSW Health, this training program and resources are being developed by the Department of Developmental Disability Neuropsychiatry (3DN), the Developmental Psychiatry Team at the Sydney Children's Hospitals Network and the Academic Unit of Child Psychiatry Services at UNSW.