Tailored model of palliative care

What is the model?  

The Tailored Model of Palliative Care for People with Intellectual Disability provides a framework for the delivery of tailored, quality palliative care for people with intellectual disability in Australia.  

The model offers flexible guidance which can be applied within different services and settings to support an inclusive approach to palliative care that meets the needs of people with intellectual disability.

Who should use the model?  

The model of care and supporting toolkits were developed to guide health professionals and service providers to enhance palliative care service delivery for people with intellectual disability, thereby ensuring equitable access to care.


Download the free Tailored Model of Care (9MB)


If you would like to feedback on the resources, please email IDpalliativecare@unsw.edu.au

Supporting toolkits   


Toolkit 3DN resources  

For people with intellectual disability and supporters 
These resources are available in both Plain English and Easy Read.   

 For health professionals  

The model of care and supporting toolkits were developed using collective findings from a research project led by UNSW Sydney, in consultation with a Project Advisory Group comprising people with intellectual disability, supporters of people with intellectual disability, and representatives from health, disability and advocacy services.

The Toolkits are an output of a project titled Improving Palliative Care Services for People with Intellectual Disability. The project was funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care.

Visit the project homepage to find out more about the project and its findings.