Key resources

Intellectual Disability Mental Health Connect

More information and resources for carers about intellectual disability and mental health can be found at our IDMH Connect website.

Palliative care toolkits and resources

We have made a toolkit for people with intellectual disability and their supporters about palliative care for people with intellectual disability.

There is information in Easy Read, and an Easy Read story about a made-up person called Joe getting good palliative care.

See all toolkits and resources.

Easy read information sheets on mental health services in NSW

These easy read information sheets provide information on finding, accessing, and using mental health services in NSW. There are information sheets on topics including

  • Getting help with your mental health
  • The Mental Health Act
  • Rights and rules about mental health treatment
  • Making a complain about mental health care

Preventive health care

In plain English: What is preventive health care (pdf) (word)

In Easy Read:

  • What is preventive health care (pdf) (word)

  • Preventive health checks (pdf) (word)

  • Types of preventive healthcare to stay healthy (pdf) (word)

  • Preventive health care to get better faster or not get worse (pdf) (word)

Produced by our NHMRC Partnership Project: Preventive healthcare for People with Intellectual Disability

Positive cardiometabolic health for people with intellectual disability

Download our resources for clinicians, formal and informal carers and people with an intellectual disability:


We have also made postcards that can be printed and taken to your doctor. The front side of the postcards contain information for people with an intellectual disability or carers. The back side of each postcard provides information for the doctor about the above resources.


Learn more about our work in cardiometabolic health.

Dementia information for carers and family members

Our researchers have published new findings that reveal the link between dementia diagnosis and self-harm. The research highlights the need for health services to offer more follow-up support within the first six to 12 months after an initial diagnosis of dementia. We have produced a handy flyer with recommendations for people living with dementia and their carers.

Download our flyer with recommendations for reducing self-harm in people with dementia.

People with intellectual disability may be at higher risk of developing dementia as they age. But getting an earlier diagnosis can lead to better care planning, and earlier access to dementia services. 

This booklet is intended for families and carers of people with intellectual disability living in Australia.

Dementia information for carers and family members

Bespoke Training

We offer training packages tailored to the needs of your organisation. Training packages can be prepared and delivered to disability professionals as face-to-face workshops/seminars, online webinars and/or e-learning modules. We can create bespoke training on:

  • Mental health in people with intellectual or developmental disability
  • Behaviours of concern – introduction, assessment and management
  • Responsible prescribing of medication to people with intellectual disability
  • Positive Behaviour Support – basic principles and approaches

Please email us at with a brief proposal to start a conversation about bespoke training. We would be pleased to discuss timeframes and costs with you.

For additional information, please see our Intellectual Disability Health Education website.

Research to Action Day

In July 2017, 3DN hosted a Research to Action Day at UNSW Sydney for professionals and carers with an interest in intellectual disability. The event involved an interactive workshop that showcased 3DN’s resources and how they could be implemented. 

You can find out more about the event in the Research to Action Day program.