Intellectual Disability Mental Health Connect

Intellectual Disability Mental Health Connect is a website where you will find information on mental health.

Information is in Easy Read and plain English.

There are videos to help you find the information you need.

Go to Intellectual Disability Mental Health Connect

Palliative care toolkits and resources

We have made a toolkit for people with intellectual disability and their supporters about palliative care for people with intellectual disability.

There is information in Easy Read, and an Easy Read story about a made-up person called Joe getting good palliative care.

See all toolkits and resources.

Easy read information sheets on mental health services in NSW

These easy read information sheets provide information on finding, accessing, and using mental health services in NSW.

They are for people with intellectual disability and those who prefer simple written information.

There are information sheets on topics including

  • Getting help with your mental health
  • The Mental Health Act
  • Rights and rules about mental health treatment
  • Making a complain about mental health care

Go to

Preventive health care – Easy Read

Download our Easy Read documents about preventive health care:

  • What is preventive health care (pdf) (word)

  • Preventive health checks (pdf) (word)

  • Types of preventive healthcare to stay healthy (pdf) (word)

  • Preventive health care to get better faster or not get worse (pdf) (word)


See also: plain English summary about preventive health care (pdf) (word)

Positive cardiometabolic health for people with intellectual disability

We have made postcards that can be printed and taken to your doctor. The front side of the postcards contain information for people with an intellectual disability or carers. The back side of each postcard provides information for the doctor about the above resources.


We have also made a range of free-to-download resources for clinicians, formal and informal carers and people with an intellectual disability. The resources are:

Learn more about this project.